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She Male Nurse

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She Male Nurse

The U.S. nursing shortage is only expected to get worse over the next decade. Many industry experts believe bringing more male nurses into the profession may be part of the solution. While more men have entered nursing over the past four decades, male nurses still make up a relatively small percentage of the nursing workforce.

Experts cite a variety of reasons for fewer male nurses such as societal gender stereotypes and the lack of male role models in nursing. However, with a rapidly worsening nursing shortage because of the aging baby boomer population, the need for gender diversity is more important than ever for nursing schools and health systems.

The healthcare field has historically been a fairly accurate reflection of the cultural bias present in society. Men have been encouraged to pursue roles as surgeons, nurse anesthetists, and other higher-profile roles in healthcare, whereas women have been encouraged to go into nursing. This furthers the cultural narrative that women are conditioned to assist men, not challenge them. As awareness of this issue rises, it is essential that the medical field reflect this cultural shift.

Daniel Arellano, a nurse practitioner and graduate faculty member at SNHU, sees a tremendous opportunity for men in nursing. He said nursing offers growth that may be attractive to men seeking career stability.

Flexibility is another significant benefit of being a nurse. Because Bergacs works as a civilian nurse and serves as a major in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, he appreciates the flexible schedule nursing offers him. He works two 24-hour shifts a week and still has plenty of time to spend outdoors, taking in the sights of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

"Now is a great opportunity for men to join a female-dominant profession," said Dr. Nicholas Carte, a graduate nursing faculty lead at SNHU. "(You) can earn a competitive salary, inspire young men to join nursing, specialize further as a nurse and challenge the gender stereotypes that (persist) in nursing still today."

According to the BLS, RNs earned a median annual wage of $77,600 in 2021. Nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives and nurse practitioners, also known as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), earned a median salary of $123,780 in 2021.

As Crouch matured in his role as a nurse, he could participate in different projects while also gaining bedside experience in an intensive care unit (ICU). "I then made the decision to pursue the path to becoming a CNL," he said.

Crouch admired the position of CNL because of its versatility to be a caregiver, educator, mentor and innovator. "(CNLs) relentlessly (serve) as a positive influence for patients and nurses by improving the healthcare system," he said.

Carte agrees that career-long learning is an integral part of nursing. He said, "Any (nurse) should value these opportunities to learn and advance one's care to support high quality and safe delivery of healthcare to a diverse group of patients."

America is the land of freedom. Luckily for elderly residents, your rights do not stop at the nursing home door. This means if a cognitively aware female resident refuses to allow a male nurse to bathe her or change her diaper, the male nurse must find a female nurse to complete the task.

Most other state nursing home laws protect a similar right. This means if a female resident makes it known that she does not consent to allowing a male nurse to bathe her, shower her or change her diaper, the facility must accommodate the request. No one can be forced into allowing a nurse to clean their private areas.

The topic has also been discussed among nurses, with a general consensus that for delicate female care needs (involving diaper changes, bathing, showering or catheter placement), most female patients prefer female nurses.

With appropriate consent, a male registered nurse is legally allowed to bathe a female resident. However, a janitor or maintenance man is never allowed to bathe residents. Ever. Unfortunately, in understaffed nursing homes, we see employees forced to wear many hats and perform jobs outside their legal duties. Only licensed caretakers without sexual assault backgrounds are permitted to bathe, shower and clean residents around their genital area.

Male nurses changing diapers or showering female patients without consent is a form of sexual assault. If your Mom is damaged, physically or mentally traumatized, she can sue the nursing home for sexual assault. If you think you have a case against a male nurse for inappropriately violating a female resident, contact our caring and experience nursing home abuse lawyers today for your free case consultation: 1-844-253-8919.

Reviewed by: Nursing Civil Rights: Gender and Race in the Army Nurse Corps by Charissa J. Threat Judy Barrett Litoff Nursing Civil Rights: Gender and Race in the Army Nurse Corps. By Charissa J. Threat. Women in American History. (Urbana and other cities: University of Illinois Press, 2015. Pp. [xii], 198. Paper, $25.00, ISBN 978-0-252-08077-7; cloth, $85.00, ISBN 978-0-0252-03920-1.) Nursing Civil Rights: Gender and Race in the Army Nurse Corps by Charissa J. Threat is a slim volume that looks at issues confronting African [End Page 729] American women and white men as they campaigned to enter the Army Nurse Corps (ANC) on an equal footing with white women. The discrimination faced by African American female nurses that Threat examines is well known. In particular, discussions of the work of the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, under the leadership of Mabel K. Staupers during the first half of the twentieth century, are a standard feature of many nursing histories. Threat acknowledges these nursing sources, but she also presents the history of the prejudice and discrimination encountered by African Americans in a way that suggests she has uncovered their story. While the history of white male nurses is not as well known as that of African American female nurses, it is nonetheless a history that has also been explored. Threat, however, misleadingly suggests that her study presents a new perspective on male nursing history and the campaigns of both white male nurses and African American female nurses to achieve parity in the ANC.

Nationwide, while the number of men in the nursing profession has risen from 2.6 percent in the 1970s, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, nursing schools have struggled to bring in male faculty members.

Once schools prioritize diversification, Provencio-Vasquez said they must identify male faculty and then actively recruit them. If nursing schools approach men directly, they may be more successful, he said.

A male teaching presence in the classroom has become important as more men enroll in nursing programs, Provencio-Vasquez added. Last year, the School of Nursing had 14 male undergraduate students and 36 male graduate students, compared to 10 undergraduates and 32 graduate students in 2011.

Additional qualified male and female nurses would bring welcome relief to the health care industry. More than 70 percent of hospital CEOs indicated their facilities had nursing shortages, according to an October 2004 report from The American College of Healthcare Executives. More new jobs are expected to be created for registered nurses, through 2012, than for any other profession, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

As the demand for nurses grows and more students choose nursing as a major, competition increases among students, male and female, for the available slots. The latest group promoted had had the highest GPA ever, well over a 3.0.

A nurse who flew home from Saudi Arabia last week has been confirmed as the Philippines' second case of Middle East respiratory syndrome. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push(); Results of a test done in the nurse's workplace in eastern Saudi Arabia's Dammam city came back positive after she arrived home, Philippine Health Secretary Enrique Ona said Wednesday.

Ona said authorities were trying to contact all 249 passengers from Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight 870, which the nurse boarded in Dammam, and the 143 passengers from Cebu Pacific Flight 997, which took her from Manila to General Santos city so they can undergo tests. He said there was only a slim chance that they were infected.

ONE IN TEN nurses is male, according to new figures reported in Nursing Standard this week. The ratio is even higher among nursing students, with 25 per cent of some courses filled by males. e Nursing and Midwifery Council, which compiled the new registrant figures, expects to see faster changes in the gender mix of nurses over the next decade.

Its current register has 11 male nurses with the surname Nightingale--we tracked down four of them to find out their experience of being 'one in ten' and whether their surname holds any relevance for them now.

Scott has been in nursing for 15 years. Before that he was a care worker and, because his mother was a warden for older people, he was brought up in a residential home. Caring seemed like a natural step and he never even thought that being a man should stop him. 'I did see nursing as a female job but I did not let that put me off. I like a challenge and I like to break through barriers.

'But when I did my RMN training I was one of four men in a set of 12. That was quite a high ratio. When I worked in mental health I would say male nurses made up 40 per cent of the workforce. But whenever I have worked in general nursing, it feels like I am in a minority.

'When I tell people outside work that I am a nurse, they are quite surprised. They think of general nursing and they see this big bloke with funny hair and earrings. Then I have to explain what I do.'

Bennett says he tries to view the situation as an opportunity to explain why he loves nursing, given the greater chance to build relationships at the bedside, the technical skills required on the job, and the fact that nurses do often save lives. 59ce067264


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